Published: 18. Sep 2024

Rector from Ghana Water Institute was trained in finding leaks on the leak detection field

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The rector and a group of educators from Ghana Water Institute received instructions in pipe and leakage detection on Aarhus Vand's new leak detection field. They became more adept at using equipment which they can use to proactively search for leaks and thus reduce water loss.

Water loss is a major challenge in Ghana. Approximately 46% of the produced water in the Atlantic city of Tema is lost either due to leaks or theft.

Therefore, there is great potential in proactive leak detection. In Ghana, they have a school where water supply operators are trained.

The rector from the school and a number of educators have visited Aarhus to improve their skills in leak detection. At Aarhus Vand's leak course, they were instructed by experienced employees in the use of various equipment to both locate water pipes and find leaks.

The equipment for finding pipes can tell us where a valve and water pipe are located. With listening equipment, we find out exactly where there is a leak.
- Dr. Zulkarnein Nashiru, Rector, Ghana Water Institute.

The participants were instructed in the use of e.g. ground microphone, correlator and camera.

In Ghana, the water has to come to the surface and someone has to report that there is a leak before the water company can locate it.

“With this equipment we can better find the leaks and repair them quickly so that we don't lose so much water," says Mustapha Nuhu, Manager, Operation and Maintenance, Ghana Water Institute

The purpose of the training is also for the trainers to pass on their knowledge of leak detection to others in the water supply in Ghana. So many more gain experience with proactive leak detection

We have learned a great deal from this training which enables us to improve our leak detection at home in Ghana.
- Dr. Zulkarnein Nashiru, Rektor, Ghana Water Institute.