Published: 21. May 2024

Climate Living Lab

Klokkerparken Livng Lab

Climate Living Lab is an innovative environment that makes it possible to demonstrate and develop climate adaptive solutions in a full-scale, real environment in Aarhus Vand’s blue/green environments. The possibility contributes to the development of new solutions to our climate challenges.

Climate Living Lab will create a framework for solutions to climate change adaption that can be tested on a small-scale and afterwards be scaled larger as to maybe be able to become an integrated solution in Aarhus. The goal for Aarhus Vand and business partners is to contribute to a balanced water cycle that create the framework for a healthy life for humans and biodiversity in nature.

All blue/green areas are made available

We are open to all types of projects. A project could for example be to work with new methods to secure biodiversity or improve rainwater basins. Elements that increase the physical activity for visitors in blue/green areas. On the production side, there could also be sensors that measure the cleaning efficiency of green solutions.

Aarhus Vand is a test partner in an EU-project where different types of sensors are attached to multiple rainwater basins, rain infiltration beds and ditches to measure PAH and microplastic levels and to compare measuring methods.

It is possible to try out solutions in both a large and small scale in our blue/green environments in Aarhus municipal.

Klimatilpasning Til Web

Experts in climate change adaption will help you get started

We will make our experts in climate change adaption available for the realization of a Living Lab project. If something needs to be put into a given context, then we will provide the communication and knowledge that is the basis for establishing for example a blue/green area or climate change adaption.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about the possibilities for developing, testing and demonstrating solutions to climate change adaption, biodiversity, blue/green solutions or other approaches that will increase the health of humans in that given context. We look forward to hearing from you.

Anne Laustsen

Anne Laustsen

Functional Manager for Climate Adaptation