Published: 24. May 2023

Aarhus Vand recognized as a Climate Smart Utility


Aarhus Vand has been recognized as a Climate Smart Utility by the International Water Association’s Climate Smart Utilities Initiative.

A Climate Smart Utility defined by IWA is “Water, wastewater, or urban drainage utilities that are improving their climate resilience while contributing to significant and sustainable reduction of carbon emissions. These utilities are public, private, or mixed companies that advocate for climate action.”

Aarhus Vand receives this recognition for both own actions and international engagement.

Aarhus Vand contributes internationally with the most recent knowledge and solutions in climate adaptation and mitigation, energy optimization and green energy production.

Partnerships ensure latest knowhow

Aarhus Vand prioritizes partnerships both nationally and internationally on establishment of sustainable cities exploiting rainwater, working with climate adaptation and ensuring state of the art technologies within wastewater treatment and thus carbon neutrality. Furhermore, we assist in Ghana, India and South Africa particularly in solving water loss problems and process optimization of wastewater treatment plants.

Production of green energy

At our wastewater treatment plants, we produce energy for the entire water cycle as well as excess energy for the city of Aarhus paving the way to becoming energy and CO2 neutral by 2030.

Certified according to UN sustainable development goals

We are certified according to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

This includes the SDGs 6 – Clean water and sanitation, 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, 13 – Climate action and 17 – Partnerships for the goals.

The International Water Association is stating that it is:

calling on utilities around the world, regardless of their size or location, to endorse a shared vision to take action towards implementing climate adaptive infrastructure and take action towards global decarbonization.

At Aarhus Vand we are proud to be tapping into to this agenda and to have received the recognition of being a climate smart utility.