Water Technology Alliances

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Specializing innovative technology

The Danish Water Technology Alliance (WTA) is a Danish outreach program providing specialized know-how on innovative water technology solutions. The Alliance is a part of The Trade Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and the partners include public Danish water utilities, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and leading technology and service providers.

Vindmøller Vand Sol

Mutually beneficial cooperation

The Water Technology Alliance (WTA) is an outreach programme providing specialized know-how on innovative water technology solutions. The mission is to build bridges between water sectors in Europe, North America and Denmark to exchange valuable knowledge and technology on both sides of the Atlantic. WTA serves as a link between Danish water companies and international utilities.

Sustainable water management is an increasingly important topic, and the strengthened efforts create a need for bringing Danish solutions into play. Thus WTA has offices in both Chicago, San Francisco, Hamburg and Madrid.
1Mou Til Nettet

WTA Chicago

The purpose og WTA Chicago is to serve as a bridge for the Danish export business in relation to opportunities and concrete tasks within energy optimization and energy production in the wastewater sector.

Further, Aarhus Vand has a cooperation with the wastewater company in Chicago, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. This agreement is about a mutual commitment to exchange knowledge on certain areas and on exchanging employees.
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WTA California

WTA California should increase the knowledge and use of Danish water technology solutions, both within the drinking water and the wastewater sector. These solutions are already contributing positively to solving the critical shortage of water in California as well as achieving goals of reducing greenhouse gasses.

Aarhus Vand is the project manager in the alliance and with support from Industriens Fond and the General Consulate in Chicago, an employee stationed in San Francisco should establish a close cooperation between Danish and American utilities, public authorities and educational and research institutes within the water sector.
Etar Ericeira

WTA Europe

The newest cooperation within WTA is the stationing of Danish water professionals in Rome, Madrid, Warszawa and Hamburg.

The mission is to increase knowledge of sustainable water solutions that are succesfully implemented in Danish utilities such as Aarhus Vand. Water scarcity and water management are increasingly challenging also in Europe.

This initiative supports the Danish Government's intention of increasing the Danish water technology export from 20 to 40 billion DKK before 2030. Instead of sending actual sales persons, these ambassadors should share knowledge and other possibilities and, thereby, inspire other utilities to get the innovative technology Aarhus Vand is using.

Claus Homann

Claus Homann

Chief Operations Officer and Chief of Strategic Development