Today, the average water consumption in Denmark is 105 litres per day per person. However, we used to consume a lot more and thus consumption has dropped by 50 % since 1976 ( It has become a societal trend to save water.
People have great consciousness around water as a scarce resource. Several initiatives have positively impacted this drop:
• Tariffs - People’s behavior can only be affected if water has a price. In Aarhus the tariffs reflect the full cost recovery of water. And this gives an incentive for people to save water.
• Environmental understanding - Several campaigns to save water has created an awareness of water as a scarce resource.
• Education – It has been a goal in Aarhus for every child during their elementary education to visit a water works to impact their behavior in relation to saving water eg. to turn off water when brushing their teeth.
• Innovation – water saving installations such as ½ toilet flush, dish washers using less water are also innovations that have contributed positively.