Water Vision 2100

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A balanced and sustainable water cycle now and in the future

The ambition in Aarhus is to have a balanced and sustainable water cycle. In 2010 we established Water Vision 2100 toegether with the municipality ensuring that city development always considers the entire water cycle. So that we at all times can ensure clean water for people and the planet.


City development takes water balances into account

In practice, different professional competencies should work together to ensure a city development with e.g. no buildings right above vulnerable groundwater resources. The law is sometimes fragmented when it comes to water. Thus, a vision paper like our Water Vision 2100 for the city is a necessity.

In Aarhus we expand the city while still protecting our bay and nature taking both city growth and climate changes into account.

Water Security Vision in South Africa

Also, in the city of Tshwane in South Africa, we are working on a similar vision. In South Africa they are not water secure meaning that having enough water for every purpose is a challenge. Proper wastewater treatment is also a part of the issues with water.

The hope is that a Water Security Vision and supporting strategies will constitute a push towards a holistic approach and coherent water management ensuring clean and enough drinking water for a fast-growing population.