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Sustainable water cycles

The ambition in Aarhus is to have a balanced and thereby sustainable water cycle. This requires a coherent water management and a holistic approach to city development.

Aarhus Ø Og Sejllads

Water Vision 2100

In Aarhus we have a Water Vision 2100 ensuring that city development always considers the entire water cycle. So that we at all times can ensure clean water for people, animals and the planet.

In practice, different professional competencies should work together to ensure a city development with e.g. no buildings right above vulnerable groundwater resources.

The law is sometimes fragmented when it comes to water. Thus, a vision paper for the city is a necesity. In Aarhus we expand the city while protecting our bay and nature. Furthermore, climate changes are also considered.
Brabrand Sø

Climate adaptation

Climate change shifts the balances in the water cycle. When working with climate adaptation we need to consider these changes.

As a utility we have a responsibility to secure our city making room for water on the surface eg. with temporary storage or canals.

In the city of Aarhus, we have a rule that climate adaptation should be considered in any construction project. Thereby ensuring that we continuously ask ourselves what we can do to adapt to climate change within our budget for city development.
Dreng Drikker Vand

A societal trend to save water

Today, the average water consumption in Denmark is 105 litres per day per person. However, we used to consume a lot more and thus consumption has dropped by 50 % since 1976 (vandetsvej.dk)

It has become a societal trend to save water. People have great consciousness around water as a scarce resource. Apart from tariffs, several campaigns, education and innovation have positively impacted this drop.

A continuous and proactive leak detection is also a reason for a low water consumption. Aarhus Vand only has 5 % water loss. We monitor leakage levels through online data 24/7.