Havnebad Udspring Medium

A healthy water environment

Maintaining a clean and healthy water environment in Aarhus is one of our most important tasks. On our four WWTP's, we clean 32–37 million m3 of wastewater a year. Moreover, we maintain the city’s sewer system, including 2,800 km of wastewater pipelines. The maintenance and improvements of the sewer system is an important part of the city’s climate adaption.

Climate adaptation and correct wastewater management is an important part in securing a healthy water environment in the harbours around Aarhus. By preparing for future challenges such as heavy rainfall, we ensure that the citizens in Aarhus can keep on swimming at Aarhus harbour.
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Future of wastewater treatment

Our goal is simple but ambitious – we want to build the world’s most resource efficient wastewater treatment plant. A facility that contributes to a more liveable Aarhus, while ensuring a economically and environmentally optimised wastewater structure for the future.

Read about the project of Aarhus ReWater
Bæredygtig Innovation

Sustainable development

An important area of wastewater management is sustainable development, both in Denmark but also around the world. We share our knowledge and expertise to contribute to sustainable development in areas that have major challenges with water management. In India and Ghana, we are involved in the process optimization of the local wastewater treatment plants.

We have also been optimizing our own WWTP's with focus on implementing new technology and making our plants energy producers instead of energy guzzlers. Currently, the WWTP in Egaa is 100 percent self-sufficient, while our plant in Marselisborg produces up to 60 percent more energy, than it uses.